How to submit an assignment
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Click “File” ➜ “Make a copy.”
Rename the file name. Delete the “Copy of” part. It must be “your last name and the name of the assignment.” For example, “Smith Google Drive assignment.” (otherwise -5). If there is a mistake, rename the file [How to rename a file and folder in Google Drive].
Put this file under your main Google Drive folder ➜ Relevant week subfolder (otherwise no credit) The assignment will be graded with 10% deduction when the file is moved to the relevant week's subfolder and "moved" is typed in the Canvas comment section of the assignment [How to move a file in Google Drive].
Type your responses in designated areas.
Before the submission, make sure the file is under the relevant week subfolder. Otherwise, move it. [How to move a file in Google Drive].
To submit this assignment, click “Start Assignment” on Canvas ➜ Choose Google Drive (LTI 1.3) (Make sure you log in with your CSUMB credentials) ➜ “Select file” ➜ “MY DRIVE” ➜ Your class folder ➜ Relevant week ➜ Assignment file ➜ “Add” ➜ “Attach” ➜ “Submit Assignment”
Click on "Instructions"
Click “File” ➜ “Make a copy.”
Delete the “Copy of” part.
Add your last name to the beginning of the filename. DO NOT CLICK make a copy at this screen.
Click on the area under "Folder." Find your class Google Drive folder. Click the arrow.
Find the relevant weekly folder and click "Select."
Click "Make a copy."
Click "Start Assignment"
Make sure to choose the CSUMB account.
Click "My Drive."
Choose the relevant weekly folder.
Choose the assignment.
Click "Attach."
Click "Submit Assignment."
Make sure you are signed in and see your CSUMB Google profile on the top right: