Presentation templates and samples
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Last updated
Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sample 5
Sample 6 | Sample 7 | Sample 8 | Sample 9 | Sample 10
Using presentation templates can offer several advantages over starting from scratch, including:
Time-saving: Using a pre-designed template can save you a lot of time compared to starting from scratch.
Professional look: Templates are often designed by professional designers, which means they have a polished and professional look. By using a template, you can ensure that your presentation looks professional and visually appealing.
Ease of use: Templates are designed to be easy to use, even for those who are not experienced in design.
The table below provides 87 Google Slides templates and 5 Infographic sets.
Overview the Google Slides templates below and select one based on your preference. Rename it as “Main template.”
You may prefer using particular slides from other templates. Copy and paste those slides to your “Main template.”
Go to your “Main template” and decide where you want to paste the slide you just copied from other templates. You will click once the area between two slides. You should see a line. Click “Paste.”
The dialog box below will appear when you click paste. Choose “Keep original styles.”
Did you arrive in the classroom 10 minutes early for your presentation day? (15 points)
Script and stopwatch
Did you present with the script in your hand? (printed or handwritten papers) (2 points)
Did you set a stopwatch for seven minutes? (1 point)
Title slide
Did you include the title? (0.5 point)
Did you include your name? (0.5 point)
Did you include your affiliation (School and major)? (0.5 point)
Did you include the date? (0.5 point)
Outline slide
Did you present the outline describing the next slides of your presentation? (2 points)
Introduction slide
Did you describe/introduce the topic you worked on? (2 points)
Did you display why your research is important and what gaps it aims to fill? (2 points)
Did you display and explain your “research question”? (4 points)
Theoretical structure slide
Did you display the previous research on the topic? (3 points)
Did you cite the previous research and/or concepts and theories appropriately within the slides? (3 points)
Did you list and define the key concept(s)? (3 points)
Did you display and explain your three (3) hypotheses? (6 points)
Methods and sample slide
Did you display which methodology you use? Hint: it is “content analysis.” (1 point)
Did you introduce the data sources you analyzed? (3 points)
Did you display the data (sources) selection criteria (keywords searched)? (3 points)
Did you display how many initial, axial, and focused codes you employ? (2 points)
Theme slide
Did you provide a slide displaying your themes? (2 points)
Results slide
Did you provide direct quotes for each focused code (theme) from the data you analyzed? (9 points)
Discussion and conclusion slide
Did you clearly interpret and display your main findings? (2 points)
Did you display any new understanding or insights about the topic you worked on? (2 points)
Did you display the significance of the main findings? (2 points)
References slide
Did you provide the in-text and end-text citations of all the peer-reviewed journal articles you cited in your presentation? (2 points)
Did you use a consistent reference style? (APA) (2 points)
Were the font, font size, text color, and case (no uppercase) consistent? (2 points)
Thanks you and questions slide
Did your last slide include “thank you and questions?” text? (0.5 point)
Did you include your email address in this slide? (0.5 point)
Structure evaluation
Did you reach this slide within seven minutes? (2 points)
Were the use and appearance of Google Slides clear and organized? (2 points)
Were the template and color choices appropriate? (2 points)
Did you present looking at the audience and making them feel included? (2 points)
Did you use a clear voice, rhythm and tone, so that all audience members can hear and engage with the presentation? (2 points)
Did you use visuals showing effort and creativity? (2 points)
Did you ask at least one question (other than “why did you choose this topic?” “will you use this research on your capstone project”) during the presentation sessions? Your question must be directly related to your classmates’ research